Average food in a nice new bowl: Cook Island raro tarati salad

As many people do, we set up a gift list for our wedding at a well-known UK department store. At first we were a little unsure of what we were going to put on it, given that we’ve lived out of home for a collective thirteen years and therefore had just about everything we needed, but a few hours spent in the Oxford Street branch was long enough to convince us that we hardly had any of the things we needed, and as a result we were able to suggest lots of lovely options for gifts. We always felt that the whole gift list concept of asking people for specific things was a bit weird, but we have to admit that shopping with the barcode scanner was pretty fun: like window shopping, but with a good chance of actually getting the things you’re dreaming about.

One part of our list was made up of different components of a dinner set: dinner plates, side plates, cereal bowls, pasta bowls, etc. We thought that it probably wouldn’t hurt to replace some of our Freecycled, drop-it-on-the-stone-floor-and-it-won’t-break, cheap crockery – despite the name (and philosophy) of our blog! Hilariously, though, whilst our wedding guests were very generous and pretty much cleared out the list, not one single item from the dinner set was touched. Obviously our nearest and dearest would like us to continue serving ‘good food on bad plates’!

Thanks to our lovely friends and family, though, we do now have lots of exciting new serving dishes and cooking utensils, many of which will undoubtedly feature on the blog in future, such as the salad bowl you’ll spot below in this recipe for Cook Island raro tarati salad. Continue reading