Micro effort required: Micronesian ginger and lime marinade

Today we bring you a recipe from Micronesia. Rather confusingly, Micronesia is a subregion of Oceania, comprising thousands of small islands such as Marshall Islands and Nauru, countries from which we have already tried recipes. However, also within Micronesia is the Federated States of Micronesia, which is often shortened to Micronesia, yet isn’t the same thing as Micronesia: it’s a country in itself. Confused yet?

Few have heard of the Federated States of Micronesia, yet because its small islands are spread so far across the Western Pacific Ocean, it actually takes up more than 2,600,000 km2. In spite of this, its actual land area is only 702 km2 and population only about 106,000, and recipes are therefore few and far between. The other difficult aspect of searching for a recipe was that, of course, a search for ‘Micronesian recipes’ yields results for actual Micronesia, rather than the Federated States. The recipe for ginger and lime marinade that we’ve (once again) borrowed from Global Table Adventure (we’re so glad that Sasha Martin began this project before we did!) may well be from a nation within the broader Micronesia, but it looked like it would suit us, so in an absence of anything definitely from the Federated States, we thought we’d give it a go. Continue reading